
Your cancer journey will continue long after you’ve received treatment for colon cancer or treatment for rectal cancer—even if you are now living cancer-free.

Although cancer doesn’t have to define you, the disease changes your life in a number of ways. You’ll have to deal with the immediate and long-term physical effects of treatment, 持续的筛选和监测, new concerns about staying healthy and a wide range of emotions.

治疗后的这段时间被称为生存期. 而存活率因人而异, there are some common concerns that often affect cancer survivors.


You are a cancer survivor from the moment you are diagnosed. The fact that you have had cancer will change your life, but cancer does not have to define you.

Treatment for colon cancer can include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. These forms of treatment can cause side effects that you experience temporarily while going through it. Oftentimes, these treatments can cause long lasting effects that impact your everyday life.


一旦你完成了治疗, you’ll need to meet with your health care team to review your treatment summary and devise a surveillance plan. Your treatment summary is a list of all the treatments you’ve received (and any associated complications), when each treatment occurred and contact information for each clinic.

The surveillance care plan helps the team monitor you closely for cancer recurrence in the months and years after treatment. Your doctor will establish a schedule for office visits and recommend screening tests at specific intervals. While the follow-up schedule will differ from patient to patient, it usually includes the following:


While there’s no way to guarantee that your colon cancer or rectal cancer won’t come back after treatment, you can take steps toward living an overall healthier lifestyle. Making better lifestyle choices may help lower your risk for recurrence as well as your risk for developing other health conditions. 这些选择包括以下内容:

  • 保持健康的体重. 必要时减肥.

  • 多锻炼. 积极运动可以帮助你更好地忍受副作用.

  • 停止吸烟.

除了健康的生活方式, it’s very important to follow your doctor’s recommendations on screening and follow-up visits. Proper surveillance will ensure that you get the best treatment possible in the event that your cancer returns.


Colon and rectal cancer treatment can cause several physical side effects, 哪些是暂时的,哪些是长期的. You may be able to manage some of these effects by eating a balanced diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Treatment for colon and rectal cancer includes surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. These treatments can cause temporary side effects that occur during treatment but then subside after treatment is complete. 常见的暂时性副作用包括:

  • 乏力. 疲劳是很常见的,可以通过锻炼来缓解, 打盹, 每晚至少睡8小时, eating a healthy diet and doing activities during times when your energy levels are the highest.

  • 便秘. This side effect can be managed with stool softeners and diet.

  • 腹泻. This side effect can be managed with medications, but should be reported to your doctor right away.

  • 发热. If you get a fever, call your health care team, as it could be a sign of infection.

  • 其他副作用. 神经病变, 皮疹, 高血压, mouth sores and incontinence are also common side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Your doctor will have recommendations for medications and other methods to manage these side effects.


There are ways to manage the side effects of your treatments through diet:

  • 避免摄入过多纤维. 如果你做过手术, stay away from high-fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables, 爆米花和坚果.

  • 选择温和的食物. 没有太多气味的冷食, 比如白干酪, 罐装水果和酸奶, 可能更容易忍受. 避免油炸、油腻和辛辣的食物.

  • 慢下来. If you are experiencing nausea, try eating and drinking slowly. (按处方服用止吐药.)

  • 注意你的姿势. To help prevent nausea, do not lie down for two hours after a meal.

  • 多喝水. Drink enough fluids to replenish the fluid and electrolyte loss caused by chemotherapy and radiation. Any beverage may help as long as it don’t contain alcohol or caffeine.

  • 保持体重. Each day, eat several small meals that are packed with protein and calories. Nutritious drinks and snacks can provide additional calories between meals. 健康的, 高热量的零食包括花生酱和饼干, 干果, 坚果, 鳄梨色拉酱, 鹰嘴豆泥, 布丁和奶酪.


对一些推荐十大正规网赌平台来说, 治疗继续影响他们的日常生活, causing long-term side effects—even after treatment ends. 长期副作用可能包括:

  • 乏力

  • 周围神经病变

  • 肠的变化

  • 泌尿问题

  • 在性健康或性行为方面有困难

Some long-term side effects may be more likely if you have a temporary or permanent 结肠造口术或回肠造口术. Discuss any current symptoms or concerns with your health care team.


癌症 survivors often express concerns related to medical bills, anxiety about returning to work and stress about the future. Depression and anxiety are also fairly common in individuals who have been treated for cancer.

Many medical centers offer cancer survivorship programs that provide access to counseling, financial assistance and referrals to experts who can help with post-treatment issues.


